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healing movement & meditation circle


Nourish your body-mind-spirit and be held in a safe, supportive, and loving space as you gently move and open your body, bathe in healing sounds, and meditate to connect to your heart. Come be with like-minded, like-hearted community where you enter exactly as you are to relax and connect to yourself. No experience necessary.


What to expect:

You will be guided through mindful movement that combines yoga, Qigong, and natural movement to activate your flow of energy, connect to your center, and calm your mind and emotions. 


You will receive a healing sound bath to further clear and balance your nervous system and subtle energy centers. 


You will create your own healing sounds using tongue drums and crystal healing bowls as we play and explore healing sounds together and open your creativity, another powerful way to connect to healing. No musical experience is necessary.


You will be guided through powerful visualizations and a meditative journey using crystals and stones to enhance your healing so you can dive deeper into rest, calm, and connection to your inner wisdom.


You will leave feeling centered, grounded, and integrated.


Sunday, June 2nd: 10:30am-12:00pm


Get Your Ticket Here!




Meet Your Guide


Michelle Lynn Cohen is a healer & space holder, empath & intuitive, embodied life coach, master somatic movement therapist and educator, and professional dancer.  Her belief and passion in the healing powers of being seen, heard, and held in a safe and compassionate way without judgement and her ability to hold this sacred space to activate deep purpose, inner wisdom, and personal empowerment is the hallmark of her work. 


Michelle is a registered master somatic movement therapist and educator (MSMT/E) with the International Somatic Movement Education & Therapy Association (ISMETA). She has a Master of Arts degree in Dance & Somatic Well-being from the University of Central Lancashire in England, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications and a dance minor from the American University in Washington, D.C., and a Certificate of Dance from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, graduating these programs with the highest honors of distinction. 


She has many diverse trainings and certifications. She is a certified Dynamic Embodiment™ Practitioner (DEP) and a BodyMind Dancing™ teacher (BMD), somatic practices developed by Dr. Martha Eddy and is also on her faculty. She is a certified Body-Mind Centering® Embodied Anatomy and Yoga teacher. Michelle is a Sacred Depths Coach, a specialized form of life coaching developed by Joanna Lindenbaum. She has certifications in yoga, Gyrotonic®, Reiki and is a Master Teacher Trainer of Pilates and has trained teachers around the world. She has training in Continuum Movement, Craniosacral Therapy, Psych-K, and Body Talk. Her studies with Diana Muenz Chen in energy healing and meditation since 2011 is an integral part of her work along with her recent training with Tami Joy Hindin as a New Earth Medicine Woman. Since 2000, she has performed with NYC based dance companies, Catherine Gallant Dance and Dances by Isadora.

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